Setting and Achieving Goals


I love setting goals, to tell you the truth I think I set too many goals. Goals for me is a way to stay motivated. I feel like when I set goals for myself I feel more accomplish when I finish them, and I feel like I'm growing and getting better.


When it comes to setting goals, it is easy to get overly ambitious. Set goals that are challenging but realistic and reachable. If you have 50 followers on Instagram, you can't just say your goal is 1 million. Yes, maybe that's something you can reach down the line but maybe for right now make your goal 100 followers and then 500 followers and so on. Setting realistic goals will make you more motivated to keep going if you reach that goal you set, you will be ready to challenge yourself even more with the next goal.


After I have reached a goal I always set a new goal. You should always be striving for something better. By making new goals that makes me continue to work hard and keeps me moving forward. Don't ever get comfortable where you are, things can always be better!


Not only do I make goals, but I think about the necessary steps I need to take to accomplish those goals. For an example if my goal is to lose 5 pounds, I will write down the steps I need to take to get there. Maybe that’s going on a low-carb diet or increase my cardio. I do this, so I know what it is I specifically need to do to achieve my goal.



When I set a goal for myself I put a time limit on it. This allows me to keep things moving along and not have a goal for too long. At the beginning of the year I set yearly goals and I also set monthly goals. My monthly goals are a little more specific and smaller than my yearly goals. Most of the time the monthly goals will help me in achieving and reaching my yearly goal. Setting a time on your goals will make you push yourself even more.


Setting and achieving goals is not an easy task. Sometimes you might not reach your goal at your set time and that's okay. Just reevaluate and never give up. You will get there through perseverance!


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Nassau Bahamas | VLOG